Associate Professor
1st building, 3rd floor, room 324

Djurabaev Otabek Djurabaevich

Associate Professor of the Department of Management


Djurabaev Otabek graduated from Tashkent State Agrarian University in 2012. In 2012, he was the master of production education at the Gazalkent Vocational College of Service and Economy, in 2013 he was the deputy director of temporary vocational education at the Tovoksoy Vocational College of Economy and Entrepreneurship, in 2013-2016 he was a special subject teacher at the Gazalkent Vocational College of Service and Economy, in 2016-2019, Gazalkent Deputy Director of Academic Affairs at the Vocational College of Service and Economics, Senior Lecturer of the “Management” Department of the Tashkent State University of Economics in 2019-2023, Associate Professor of the “Management” Department of the Tashkent State University of Economics from 2023 to the present. On December 29, 2020, he defended his PhD thesis on “Organizational-economic mechanisms of management of beekeeping farms”. He is the author of monographs on organizational mechanisms of agrarian production and operation strategies in the industry enterprises, executive management training manual.


  • Tashkent State University of Economics | Doctorate Doctor of philosopy (Phd) “Management” | December 2020
  • Tashkent State Agrarian University | Master Agricultural management | May 2012
  • Tashkent State Agrarian University | Bachelor Agricultural management | May 2010


  • Formation of model beekeeping facilities and modernized interindustrial communications in human bearing management. //Archive scientific research. - 2000. No. 11.
  • Organizational mechanisms of effective organization of leadership and market conditions Archive of scientific research, 2020. Issue 11.
  • Methods of the process approach in management and determination of the criterion of technological efficiency of beekeeping farms: methods of the process approach in management and determination of the criterion of technological efficiency of beekeeping farms. Research Archive, 2021. No. 1,
  • The main directions of effective management and development of the beekeeping industry OD Djurabaev, JK Rashidov - E3S Web of Conferences, 2021 Cited: 17 Similar articles All versions of the article (3).
  • Management is the foundation of the digitalization of the economy // Research Archive, 2020
  • Formation of clusters is a priority direction of innovative development of the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan NK Yuldashev, VI Nabokov, KV Nekrasov… - IOP conference series: Earth and environmental, 2022
  • Organization of Enterprise Management and its Efficiency in Conditions of Economic Modernization- American Journal of Economics and Business, 2023
  • Modern Management System in Large Companies of the Republic of Uzbekistan OD Djurabaev, NB Sobirova-management, 2023
  • Features of methodological approaches to management of production processes in beekeeping: features of methodological approaches to management of production processes in beekeeping Research Archive, 2021 t, 2023, issue 4, pages 5
  • Multifactor analysis of agricultural production processes and its econometric modelling: Multifactor analysis of agricultural production processes and its econometric modelling// Archive scientific research 2021 Issue 1
  • The current state and level of development of the production forces of cotton and textile clusters: E3S Web of Conferences, 2023 Issue–395, June -2023.
  • 2011-2012 - Master of production education of Ghazalkent Vocational College of Service and Economy
  • 2012-2013 - Deputy director of temporary vocational education at Tovoksoy Vocational College of Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • 2013-2016 - Special subject teacher at Ghazalkent Vocational College of Service and Economy
  • 2016-2019 - Deputy Director of Educational Affairs at Ghazalkent Vocational College of Service and Economy
  • 2019 - 2023 - senior lecturer of the "Management" department of the Tashkent State University of Economics
  • 2023 - c.t. - Associate Professor of the "Management" Department of Tashkent State University of Economics